
The database is not initalised properly

Each user’s server requires a database setup and readable by the local process on which the remoteappmanager web application is started. The error message indicates that the database is not readable (e.g. it does not exist). Please refer to Setup Database Accounting for details and options on setting up the database.

For more details on how the local process is managed, please refers to remoteappmanager.spawner.

Docker timeouts

If the application is unable to connect to docker and timeouts with the following message

Error while fetching server API version: HTTPSConnectionPool(host=‘’, port=2376): Max retries exceeded with url: /version (Caused by ConnectTimeoutError(<requests.packages.urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x106299518>, ‘Connection to timed out. (connect timeout=60)’)).

The likely problem is that your docker machine is not reachable. The most likely cause is that you recently recreated your default docker machine, or the docker machine is no longer reachable. Make sure that your docker environment (DOCKER_HOST environment variable) is compatible with the docker machine current ip address (docker-machine ip). If not, reconfigure your docker machine environment with eval $(docker-machine env).

Error when connecting to docker: Permission denied

Check if your /var/run/docker.sock is accessible and readable. The likely cause is that your current user is not in the docker group. Fix this by running:

sudo addgroup your_username docker

and then logging out and in again.