Deployment ========== Single Machine -------------- Deployment of the complete system in a single machine/VM. .. note:: The following instructions assume a clean up-to-date ubuntu 14.04 system. #. Retrieve the single user session manager:: git clone #. Make sure that you are obtaining a recent version of Docker, at least 1.12. Full instructions available at `the Docker website `_. A Makefile rule is provided for convenience. **NOTE: this overwrites the docker.list file you might have setup in your /etc/apt/sources.d/ directory**. You might be prompted for the root password to execute this:: make dockerengine #. Install dependencies. You might be prompted for the root password to execute this:: make deps #. Make sure your docker server is running, and your user is allowed to connect to the docker server (check accessibility of `/var/run/docker.sock`). You obtain this by running:: sudo service docker start sudo addgroup your_username docker and logging out and in again. Check if your docker server is operative by running:: docker info #. Create and activate a virtual environment, then set the appropriate PATH for the node modules:: make venv . venv/bin/activate export PATH=`node bin`:$PATH #. Install the python dependencies:: make pythondeps #. And install the package itself:: make install #. Generate the SSL certificates if you do not already have them. The resulting certificates will have names test.* because they are self-signed and **are not supposed to be used for production**. A CA-signed certificate should be obtained instead. The certificates will be created in the jupyterhub directory:: make certs #. Create the database. By default, this is a sqlite file:: make db #. Change dir into jupyterhub:: cd ./jupyterhub and verify that `` is correct for your deployment machine setup (see :ref:`configuration`). #. If you are using virtual users (users that are not present on the system) you need to create a temporary space where the virtual user homes are created:: mkdir /tmp/remoteapp #. You can now start the service:: sh #. Visit the site at:: Setup docker containers ----------------------- Compatible docker containers can be found in DockerHub. Refer to the documentation of `simphony-remote-docker `_ repository to deploy the images. .. _deploy_setup_db: Setup Database Accounting ------------------------- A database is needed for managing the remote applications available for each user. Note that this database is in addition to the database created or used by JupyterHub. Various accounting sources are supported: 1. Default sqlite database **remoteappmanager** by default uses a sqlite database *remoteappmanager.db* in the current work directory. The **remoteappdb** command-line tool is provided for setting up the database. Please refer to the :ref:`utilities` section for details on the use of this program. 2. Other DBAPI_ implementations and databases For database implementation supported by SQLAlchemy_, you may configure **remoteappmanager** to use :py:class:`remoteappmanager.db.orm.AppAccounting`. Please also refer to :ref:`config_remoteappmanager` for details on setting up the accounting class. .. note:: The use of databases other than sqlite3 is not tested 3. CSV file You may configurate **remoteappmanager** to use a CSV file as its database. Please refer to :ref:`config_remoteappmanager` for details on setting up the accounting class to use :py:class:`remoteappmanager.db.csv_db.CSVAccounting`. 4. Others Any arbitrary database implementation may be used as long as an accounting class compliant to the API of :py:class:`remoteappmanager.db.interfaces.ABCAccounting` is provided. Please also refer to :ref:`config_remoteappmanager` for details on setting up the accounting class. .. _SQLAlchemy: .. _DBAPI: Start JupyterHub ---------------- #. Start jupyterhub by invoking the start script:: sh .. note:: If you want to keep the application running, use screen to start a detachable terminal. .. note:: Running on OSX or with a separate docker machine requires that the appropriate environment variables are set before starting jupyterhub. refer to the command `docker-machine env` to setup the appropriate environment. In general, invoking:: eval `docker-machine env` will enable the appropriate environment. On Linux, by default the host machine and the docker machine coincide, so this step is not needed. #. JupyterHub is now running at https://localhost:8000