

CommandLineConfig(*args, **kwargs) Configuration options for the application server

class remoteappmanager.command_line_config.CommandLineConfig(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: traitlets.traitlets.HasTraits

Configuration options for the application server

base_urlpath = Unicode

The base url where the server resides

command_line_options_inited = False
config_file = Unicode

The path of the configuration file

cookie_name = Unicode

The cookie name for authentication

hub_api_url = Unicode

The url of the jupyterhub REST API

hub_host = Unicode

The url of the jupyterhub server

hub_prefix = Unicode

The url prefix of the jupyterhub

ip = Unicode

The IP address to bind


Parses the command line arguments, and assign their values to our local traits.

port = Int

Port at which to spawn

proxy_api_url = Unicode

The url of the reverse proxy API

user = Unicode

The user as specified at the jupyterhub login