

FileConfig(*args, **kwargs) Configuration options for the application server.

class remoteappmanager.file_config.FileConfig(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: traitlets.traitlets.HasTraits

Configuration options for the application server. They are sourced from the configuration file.

database_class = Unicode

The import path to a subclass of ABCDatabase

Default: ‘remoteappmanager.db.orm.ORMDatabase’

database_kwargs = Dict

The keyword arguments for initialising the Database instance

Default: {‘url’: ‘sqlite:///remoteappmanager.db’}


Extracts the docker configuration as a dictionary suitable to be passed as keywords to the docker client.

docker_host = Unicode

The docker host to connect to

Default: ‘’

docker_realm = Unicode

Docker realm is a label added to containers started by this deployment of simphony-remote. You should change this to something unique only if your machine is already running other simphony-remote instances, all using the same docker server. Failing to do that would allow different simphony-remote instances to see (and interact with) each other’s containers.

The docker realm. Identifies which containers belong to a specific instance of simphony-remote.

Default: ‘remoteexec’

ga_tracking_id = Unicode

The google analytics tracking id

login_url = Unicode

The url to be redirected to if the user is not authenticated for pages that require authentication

Default: ‘/hub’

network_timeout = Int

The timeout (seconds) for network operations

Default: 30


Parses the config file, and assign their values to our local traits.

static_path = Unicode

The path where to search for static files

template_path = Unicode

The path where to search for jinja templates

tls = Bool

If True, connect to docker with tls

Default: False

tls_ca = Unicode

Path to CA certificate for docker TLS

Default: ‘’

tls_cert = Unicode

Path to client certificate for docker TLS

Default: ‘’

tls_key = Unicode

Path to client key for docker TLS

Default: ‘’

tls_verify = Bool

If True, verify the CA certificate against a known or self-signed CA certificate

Default: True