Source code for remoteappmanager.db.orm

import contextlib
import uuid
import os

from sqlalchemy import (
    Column, Integer, Boolean, String, Unicode, ForeignKey, UniqueConstraint,
    create_engine, Enum, event)
from sqlalchemy.engine import Engine
from sqlalchemy.exc import OperationalError, IntegrityError
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, relationship, joinedload
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import DetachedInstanceError, NoResultFound

from remoteappmanager.logging.logging_mixin import LoggingMixin
from remoteappmanager.db.interfaces import ABCDatabase
from remoteappmanager.db import exceptions
from remoteappmanager.utils import parse_volume_string, mergedocs, one

Base = declarative_base()

class IdMixin(object):
    """Base class to provide an id"""
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

    def from_id(cls, session, id):
        return session.query(cls).filter( == id).one()

class User(IdMixin, Base):
    """ Table for users. """
    __tablename__ = "user"

    #: The name of the user as specified by jupyterhub.
    #: This entry must be unique and is, for all practical purposes,
    #: a primary key.
    name = Column(Unicode, index=True, unique=True)

class Application(IdMixin, Base):
    """ Describes an application that should be available for startup """
    __tablename__ = "application"

    #: The docker image name where the application can be found
    image = Column(Unicode, unique=True)

    def from_image_name(session, image_name):
        return session.query(Application).filter(
            Application.image == image_name

class ApplicationPolicy(IdMixin, Base):
    __tablename__ = "application_policy"

    #: License, if required by the application
    app_license = Column(Unicode, nullable=True)

    #: If the home directory should be mounted in the container
    allow_home = Column(Boolean)

    #: If a common workarea should be mounted in the container
    allow_common = Column(Boolean)

    #: If the container should be accessible by other people
    allow_view = Column(Boolean)

    #: Which volume to mount
    volume_source = Column(Unicode, nullable=True)

    #: Where to mount it in the container
    volume_target = Column(Unicode, nullable=True)

    #: In which mode
    volume_mode = Column(Enum("ro", "rw"), nullable=True)

    #: If the user can open a file at startup
    allow_startup_data = Column(Boolean)

class Accounting(Base):
    """Holds the information about who is allowed to run what."""
    __tablename__ = "accounting"

    # This must be set as a md5 hex from outside, and it's what will
    # become the mapping id.
    id = Column(String(32), primary_key=True)

    user_id = Column(Integer,
                     ForeignKey("", ondelete="CASCADE"))

    application_id = Column(Integer,
                            ForeignKey("", ondelete="CASCADE"),

    application_policy_id = Column(
        ForeignKey("", ondelete="CASCADE"),

    user = relationship("User")

    application = relationship("Application")

    application_policy = relationship("ApplicationPolicy")

    __table_args__ = (
        UniqueConstraint('user_id', 'application_id', 'application_policy_id'),

@event.listens_for(Engine, "connect")
def _set_sqlite_pragma(dbapi_connection, connection_record):
    """ Set pragma for sqlite3 when the engine connects
    Currently it adds support for foreign keys.
    Do nothing if sqlite3 is not available or if the database
    is not using sqlite3.
        # In case sqlite3 is not compiled?
        import sqlite3
    except ImportError:
        if isinstance(dbapi_connection, sqlite3.Connection):
            with contextlib.closing(dbapi_connection.cursor()) as cursor:
                cursor.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON")

class Database(LoggingMixin):
    def __init__(self, url, **kwargs):
        """Initialises a database connection to a given database url.

        url : url
            A sqlalchemy url to connect to a specified database.
        kwargs : dict
            Additional keys will be passed at create_engine.

        self.url = url"Creating session to db: {}".format(self.url))
        self.engine = create_engine(self.url, **kwargs)

            self.session_class = sessionmaker(bind=self.engine)
        except OperationalError:
                "Failed to connect db session: {}".format(self.url)

    def create_session(self):
        """Create a new session class at the database url with the current
        return self.session_class()

    def reset(self):
        """Completely resets the content of the database, removing
        and reinitializing the tables. Should be used only if the database
        does not already exist, or if its contents are irrelevant or obsolete.

class ORMDatabase(ABCDatabase):

    def __init__(self, url, **kwargs):
        ''' Initialiser

        url : str
            the url for connecting to a database

            optional keyword arguments for `Database`

        See Also
        `SQLAlchemy Database Urls <
        self.db = Database(url, **kwargs)

    def check_database_readable(self):
        ''' Raise IOError if the database url points to a sqlite database
        that is not readable

        TODO: may extend for validating databases in other dialects?
        db_url = self.db.url

        if db_url.startswith('sqlite:///'):
            file_path = os.path.abspath(db_url[10:])
            if not os.access(file_path, os.R_OK):
                raise IOError(
                    'Sqlite database {} is not readable'.format(file_path))

    def get_user(self, *, user_name=None, id=None):
        if not one([user_name, id]):
            raise ValueError("Strictly one argument allowed")

        if user_name is not None:
            filter = ( == user_name)
        elif id is not None:
            filter = ( == id)
            raise RuntimeError("Impossible condition")  # pragma: no cover

        # We create a session here to make sure it is only
        # used in one thread
        with contextlib.closing(self.db.create_session()) as session:

            with transaction(session):
                user = session.query(User).filter(filter).one_or_none()

            # Removing internal references to the session is
            # required such that the object is detached and
            # can be reused in a different thread
            if user:

        return user

    def get_accounting_for_user(self, user):
        # We create a session here to make sure it is only
        # used in one thread
        with contextlib.closing(self.db.create_session()) as session:
            result = accounting_for_user(session, user)

            # Removing internal references to the session is
            # required such that the objects can be reused
            # in a different thread

        return result

    def create_user(self, user_name):
        with detached_session(self.db) as session:
                with transaction(session):
                    orm_user = User(name=user_name)
            except IntegrityError:
                raise exceptions.Exists()


    def remove_user(self, *, user_name=None, id=None):
        if not one([user_name, id]):
            raise ValueError("Strictly one argument allowed")

        if user_name is not None:
            filter = ( == user_name)
        elif id is not None:
            filter = ( == id)
            raise RuntimeError("Impossible condition")  # pragma: no cover

        with detached_session(self.db) as session:
            with transaction(session):

    def list_users(self):
        with detached_session(self.db) as session:
            users = session.query(User).all()

        return users

    def create_application(self, app_name):
        with detached_session(self.db) as session:
                with transaction(session):
                    orm_app = Application(image=app_name)
            except IntegrityError:
                raise exceptions.Exists()


    def remove_application(self, *, app_name=None, id=None):
        if not one([app_name, id]):
            raise ValueError("Strictly one argument allowed")

        if app_name is not None:
            filter = (Application.image == app_name)
        elif id is not None:
            filter = ( == id)
            raise RuntimeError("Impossible condition")  # pragma: no cover

        with detached_session(self.db) as session:
            with transaction(session):

    def list_applications(self):
        with detached_session(self.db) as session:
            applications = session.query(Application).all()

        return applications

    def grant_access(self, app_name, user_name, app_license,
                     allow_home, allow_view, volume, allow_startup_data):
        allow_common = False
        source = target = mode = None

        app_license = app_license if app_license else None

        if volume is not None:
            allow_common = True
            source, target, mode = parse_volume_string(volume)

        with detached_session(self.db) as session:
            with transaction(session):
                    orm_app = session.query(Application).filter(
                        Application.image == app_name).one()

                    orm_user = session.query(User).filter(
               == user_name).one()
                except NoResultFound:
                    raise exceptions.NotFound()

                orm_policy = session.query(ApplicationPolicy).filter(
                    ApplicationPolicy.app_license == app_license,
                    ApplicationPolicy.allow_home == allow_home,
                    ApplicationPolicy.allow_common == allow_common,
                    ApplicationPolicy.allow_view == allow_view,
                    ApplicationPolicy.volume_source == source,
                    ApplicationPolicy.volume_target == target,
                    ApplicationPolicy.volume_mode == mode,
                    ApplicationPolicy.allow_startup_data == allow_startup_data

                if orm_policy is None:
                    orm_policy = ApplicationPolicy(

                # Check if we already have the entry
                acc = session.query(Accounting).filter(
                    Accounting.user == orm_user,
                    Accounting.application == orm_app,
                    Accounting.application_policy == orm_policy

                if acc is None:
                    id = uuid.uuid4().hex

                    accounting = Accounting(

                    id =

                return id

    def revoke_access(self, app_name, user_name, app_license,
                      allow_home, allow_view, volume, allow_startup_data):
        allow_common = False
        source = target = mode = None

        app_license = app_license if app_license else None

        if volume is not None:
            allow_common = True
            source, target, mode = parse_volume_string(volume)

        with detached_session(self.db) as session, \
                orm_app = session.query(Application).filter(
                    Application.image == app_name).one()

                orm_user = session.query(User).filter(
           == user_name).one()

                orm_policy = session.query(ApplicationPolicy).filter(
                    ApplicationPolicy.app_license == app_license,
                    ApplicationPolicy.allow_home == allow_home,
                    ApplicationPolicy.allow_common == allow_common,
                    ApplicationPolicy.allow_view == allow_view,
                    ApplicationPolicy.volume_source == source,
                    ApplicationPolicy.volume_target == target,
                    ApplicationPolicy.volume_mode == mode,
                    ApplicationPolicy.allow_startup_data == allow_startup_data
            except NoResultFound:
                raise exceptions.NotFound()

                Accounting.application == orm_app,
                Accounting.user == orm_user,
                Accounting.application_policy == orm_policy,

    def revoke_access_by_id(self, mapping_id):
        with detached_session(self.db) as session, \
       == mapping_id).delete()

[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def detached_session(db): """Creates a session where at the end, the objects retrieved are detached from the session itself""" with contextlib.closing(db.create_session()) as session: yield session # Removing internal references to the session is # required such that the object is detached and # can be reused in a different thread session.expunge_all()
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def transaction(session): """handles a transaction in a session.""" # Note that we don't need to explicitly start the session # transaction. we are not using autocommit. try: yield except Exception: session.rollback() raise finally: session.commit()
[docs]def accounting_for_user(session, user): """Returns a list of Accounting objects, each containing an application and the associated policy that the specified orm user is allowed to run. If the user is None, the default is to return an empty list. The id is a unique string identifying the combination of application and policy. It is not unique per user. Parameters ---------- session : Session The current session user : User or None the orm User, or None. Returns ------- A list of Accounting objects """ if user is None: return [] try: user_name = except DetachedInstanceError: # If the orm.User object was obtained from # another session and that it is detached # we need to add it back so that we can refresh # its attributes' value session.add(user) user_name = res = session.query(Accounting) \ .join(Accounting.user, aliased=True) \ .options(joinedload(Accounting.application)) \ .options(joinedload(Accounting.application_policy)) \ .filter_by(name=user_name).all() return res